Is it possible to do nothing and still have an active abroad
experience? Today made me realize the answer is yes. I woke up with the
apartment to myself (roommates still in Munich/with parents) hung up my laundry
and made myself breakfast. Seiferetova is absolutely starting to feel like
home. After a full day of exploring the day before, I unfortunately deemed
today homework day. However, there is no need to stay inside for that! I
selected the garden of Café Pavlac as the perfect working spot for a warm but
cloudy day. I actually really enjoyed working on this project, especially
outside, surrounded by Czech conversations, good background music, and the
hanging lights swinging in the wind. The closest comparison I can make to this
place is a simpler, more garden-y Barista Parlour. I also spent the afternoon
finally making a bucket list for Prague. Lesson of the day: Figure stuff out BEFORE
leaving. After two weeks here, I realized that with a bunch of
excursions coming up, I need to start figuring out what I want to see so I make
sure I get there. Some things on the list include: Finding all of Cerny’s
artwork, Checking out Meetfactory and the Globe, Doing an Exit Game, Seeing the
Andy Warhol Exhibit at the Gallery of Art, etc.
This would have been WAY better to do before leaving, but hindsight is

My chill day made me think about how I am studying abroad
versus what many people do. My situation of having friends from all aspects of
my life weave in and out of my abroad experience is anything but normal, but at
the same time, it might be the best part of my summer. Life feels much more
authentic and less like a vacation or school trip when I am not doing
everything with a group, compromising on plans and staying in my comfort zone.
To spend the morning with a roommate, have lunch on my own, and again meet old
friends in the late afternoon feels much more like “real life”. It gives me
time to go to the places I want to see, the availability to find friends for
activities when I want a buddy, and to have time on my own without feeling like
I’m missing out on a group experience. While I have always enjoyed floating
between many, many, types of people, this is the epitome of that part of
myself. I honestly could not imagine doing this any other way, and I am so
thankful for the opportunity to go abroad in this fashion. Now that I've done it, I would encourage this to literally anyone, there is just nothing in the word like having an experience that is so fully yours, yet filled with friendly faces from time to time.
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