As I described in the previous post, we - Julie and I
especially- have had a knack of getting a little confused. Instead of going
into every story in depth, I thought it would make more of a point to
understand the predicaments in a step by step example of our biggest mess up thus far, Monday afternoon.
1- Dana, Bri, Julie, Claire, Claire, and Olivia try to find their way to the Tesco, go to Namesti Republicky, where there is not a Tesco in sight
2 - Dana, Bri, Julie, Claire continue to search in the Namesti Republicky mall – no success
*** Positive: We found frozen yogurt and KFC for breakfast( Can you say, “American?!")
3- Dana and Julie continue Tesco search. After 3 metro stops and a 10 minute walk, they almost give up before asking for directions and realizing they are in fact, standing below Tesco.
4- Dana and Julie realize they have gone to maybe the furthest possible Tesco, and now are holding soy milk, pots, pans, towels, and other groceries, again lost
5- Dana and Julie strategize to go to the metro station past their typical one because then it is a downhill walk. "Oh, they seem equidistant! We are so good at navigating the city!"....not
6- Arriving at Florenc metro stop, Dana and Julie do not recognize anything. They walk the long way around the station and arrive where they started, approximately 20 minutes
7- Dana and Julie walk up a giant hill in the "right direction", aka the wrong direction, aching feet, biceps, and fingers(from the very very thin-strapped Czech plastic bags)
8 - Dana and Julie finally go down the hill for a nice 45 minutes walk
9 - Dana and Julie arrive at their apartment and crawl up to the 3rd floor with pure joy
10 - Dana and Julie PTFO until dinner, after a shopping excursion from 10 AM to 4 PM JUST FOR GROCERIES

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